Particles II - Velocity Fields is available!

Hey everyone! Just in time for the holidays, Particles II - Velocity Fields is available now!

We'll be making two effects in this lesson! Here's the first.

We'll be making two effects in this lesson! Here's the first.

And here's the other effect we'll be making!

And here's the other effect we'll be making!

Hey everyone! Just in time for the holidays, Particles II - Velocity Fields is available now!

Go make cool stuff with it here:

Applied Houdini Particles II - Velocity Fields will teach you everything you need to know to make stunning particle effects with velocity fields! We will create two different effects in this course, one based off of a dynamic Pyro sim, and one using curl noise to wash particles around a surface. After simulating, we'll take our particles even farther by shading, shaping, and lighting them based on data derived from the sims themselves. You'll be making professional looking advanced particle sims in no time!


Particles I and Rigids VI are available!

It's been a busy month with Applied Houdini! Just capped off the epic Rigids series with a lesson all about cone-twist constraints and chains, and now there's also a free lesson to kick off the new Particles series too! Go check them out!

Sweet robust chain simming!

Sweet robust chain simming!

Rad free lesson on getting started with particles!

Rad free lesson on getting started with particles!


"Porcelain" by Chris Honninger

Don't know why I haven't already been doing this, but better late than never!

Here's a great piece that Chris Honninger just sent to me, partially based off of what he learned from the Applied Houdini rigid body dynamics video tutorials. Looks great Chris, and thanks for sending!


New FAQ section added!

I love all the emails that I get from you all - keep them coming! I did notice some common trends through some of them, so I decided to make a Frequently Asked Questions page for all to see. I'll be updating that page too as more come up.



New Demo Reel!

Just updated my demo reel with some of my VES award nominated destruction work on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! Check it out here:
